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Jackie Bastyr-Cooper – Membership Coordinator

My husband and I bought our house on Heatherdell Lane back in 1998 a few months before our wedding. Our son was born in 2000 and our daughter in 2002. When the kids were little we attended the 4th of July parade and celebrations in the park.

Both kids attended Leopold, Cherokee, and West. I was Leopold’s Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) president for 3 years and helped a lot with their annual events (especially the Timberwolf Trample – started by the parents of one of my son’s classmates).

When my son was a freshman at West I became involved with the Madison West Athletic Booster Association (MWABA) as a liaison for the wrestling team. The following year I became part of the executive committee as the website editor. I am still involved with that group: updating the website (, managing their social media (Twitter: @west_athletic, Facebook: @MWABAWestBoosters), and communicating with parents/students via a dedicated Gmail account (also helping at events).

With my kids gone at college, I have more free time and figured it would be fun to get more involved with this group.


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