A message from Greater Madison is below. Note that the AHNA Board has already commented on the speeding issue on Grandview:
Having an efficient, reliable, and safe transportation network is important for making the Greater Madison Area a great place to live, work, and play. Whether you travel by automobile, transit, bicycle, or walking, or perhaps all of these, the quality of the overall transportation network is important.
We want to know how well the current area transportation network is serving your needs. Use this interactive mapping tool to post comments on the network, identifying specific gaps and challenges, as well as what you love and what’s working well. This commenting tool is open and available from August 23 to October 3, 2021.
In addition to using this tool to provide your own comments, please share this information with your networks, co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors.
This feedback is being sought as part of the Connect Greater Madison: Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 2050 Update process. The RTP is an integrated, multi-modal plan that provides the overall framework for transportation planning and investment decision making in the region. It identifies projects, strategies, and other recommended actions to be implemented by WisDOT, the MPO, Dane County, and local communities. The RTP is refined through corridor, area, or mode specific plans and other planning efforts. Planning for the RTP is being integrated with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission’s (CARPC) preparation of the Regional Development Framework (RDF). The RTP will be designed to support the growth scenario developed as part of that effort, which is based on RDF goals and strategies and local comprehensive plans.
Results from our public survey earlier this summer are posted and available for review here, including presentation slides summarizing the results.
Thank you for your participation in this important regional planning process.