All Arbor Hills Residents are invited to join us for the annual neighborhood association meeting. Hear from board members about what the association has been up to for the past year, and discuss local issues with community leaders. Members will vote on updates to association rules, approve the 2025 budget, and elect board representatives.
Arbor Good Neighbor House 2509 McDivitt Rd, Madison, WI 53713 - 6:30 to 8pm
Arrive and settle in: 6:30
President’s Report & Bylaw* Vote - Ashley Gibson, AHNA President: 6:35
Treasurer’s Report & Budget Vote - Jackie Bastyr Cooper, Treasurer: 6:50
AHNA Board Member Elections - Sheri Carter, Member at Large: 7:00
Arbor Good Neighbor House Updates - Peter Morris: 7:05
Leopold Community School Updates - Marisa Flowers, Leopold Principal: 7:15
Updates from Matt Veldran, District 4 Supervisor: 7:25
South District Madison Police Department Updates: 7:30
Discussion and Q&A: 7:45
Adjourn: 8:00
*Changes to the Bylaws include:
1.Remove the role of Membership Coordinator:
The work of reaching out to recruit members, sending confirmations to paying members, and tracking membership payments has been absorbed by the Treasurer.
2.Remove newsletter distribution from the Block Captain Coordinator’s responsibilities:
We will move to a USPS mailing, so this is no longer necessary.