I hope you all enjoyed the holidays!
Planning is underway for the Winter 2020 Arbor Hills Newsletter. I like to include a brief mention of neighborhood announcements, including new neighbors who've moved in, babies born, milestone anniversaries, or the passing of one of our neighbors. I only include first names and street name, not full names or full addresses. Please send announcements to newsletter@arborhills.org by January 21. If sending on behalf of someone else, please confirm with them that they're ok with the mention.
I've also written a few 'Know Your Neighbor' articles that feature members of our community. If you or someone you know has a hobby, career, or another interesting story that would be a good fit, please let me know at newsletter@arborhills.org.
And finally, you can see past newsletters and other helpful info on our website, arborhills.org.
Ashley Gibson, AHNA newsletter editor