Madison Bikes is thrilled to invite Arbor Hills to be part of Madison Bike Week 2019. With your participation, Bike Week will be happening from June 1-8 in every corner of the city. Madison Bike Week will feature big, well-established events such as Ride the Drive and Bacon on the Bike Path, as well as Bike Stations with free treats or bike checks, organized bike rides, and special Madison Bike Week offers from local businesses.
The Madison Bikes vision is a city where anyone can ride to any place comfortably and conveniently, and Madison Bike Week is an important part of making that vision a reality. Bike Week celebrates riding to work, to school, to a park, to the library -- or biking to feel the warm wind blowing through your hair.
Is anyone (or group of people) in your neighborhood interested in hosting an event? You could set up a tent outside and offer treats to people on bikes, or offer bike checks, or fun activities! Consider partnering with other business or community organizations. If you are interested in hosting an event or otherwise participate with your organization, you can sign up here: https://forms.gle/qY5mfEA5PJthpiW1A
The poster and flyer (English and Spanish) for Madison Bike week is located here: https://bit.ly/2Vb31hH. Feel free to share the event and encourage members of your neighborhood to participate in one or more event. You could even organize a neighborhood group ride to an event!
More information available at www.madisonbikes.org/bikeweek
Madison Bikes is your local bicycle advocacy organization in town. Help us make Madison Bike Week a success!